The most various and advanced features on the market.
Discover a selection of our features that we believe will make all
the difference, including exclusive functionalities.
How it will work
Multiple keyword search
Call To Action buttons
Table of contents
PDF download
Bookmarks and page notes
Alphabetical Index
Share to social media or Whatsapp
Interactive zones and hotspots
Predictive and multi-word search engine with highlight on the results.
We all know the presence of a CTA helps the conversion rate increase. Add them to the catalogue and improve traffic and sales. Gain more subscribers to your newsletter and increase the leads number.
Make your table of contents a spectacular landing page or just a classical list of chapters.
Allow your customers to download the flip PDF offline version or just a selection of pages. You can also forbid it completely.
Customers can bookmark pages for later reading. Let them add notes and review them easily using a complete management tool.
It arranges your products or services in an alphabetical list linked to the relevant pages. The visitors will easily find what they need with just two clicks/taps.
Share products, articles and stories on social media channels and boost traffic and sales.
Zoom on multiple areas showing them side by side, add product links or a detailed description. Your customers will better interact with your catalogue and products, articles or presentations.
How it will look
Personalized PDF selection
Page browsing
Multimedia content
Interactively exclusive
Customized Branded User Interface
Contextual backgrounds, buttons and banners
Let customers build a personalized version of the digital catalogue and then download it.
Navigate through pdf pages with flip effect, coverflow or by horizontal or vertical slide. Any other option of page browsing can be implemented on demand.
Enrich your publication with videos, slideshows, music, audio files that will make it more attractive.
Start the digital catalogue with an animated front page and your customer will be eager to navigate further.
Unique graphic design, created to follow your brand identity. We don’t only color your user interface, we customize completely the buttons, backgrounds, colors, navigation menus, panels and functionalities.
Set the customers in the appropriate mood for each chapter by changing the background or buttons and banners of the online digital catalogue or brochure.
Restricted authorised access
Limited distribution
Interactively exclusive
Product filters and tags
Real time stock
Real time prices
Track every visit from your customers and adapt to their behaviour. Which page is most visited, which product is the most clicked and many other useful information.
Access to the catalogue is restricted only to your customers authenticated by their credentials. The authorisation can be done on the website or directly from the catalogue.
Publish the online catalogue to your internal private network only and keep the confidential or sensitive content away from the public eyes.
The digital catalogue flip pages will disapear and all the products will be displayed as Pinterest gallery. Add as many tags and filters as needed.
Connect the online digital catalogue with your stock management platform and let the visitors check the product availability for each online store.
Update prices in real time and react quickly at the market changes.
What you can do
Product technical specification
Product glorifier
Product search
E-Commerce integration
Interactively exclusive
Product filters and tags
Price personalisation
To better describe the products and services attach them technical documentation with full product details.
Highlight of the premium products by zooming in the cropped product area with only a mouse click/tap.
Customers can instantly find a product searching by its code or name.
The visitors can create wishlists that can be shared on social media or Whatsapp. Going even further, this wishlist can be transformed into a quote request or even a buying order.
Connect the online catalogue to your e-commerce website and your customers can buy directly from here.
The digital catalogue flip pages will disapear and all the products will be displayed as Pinterest gallery. Add as many tags and filters as needed.
Show custom prices by market or store location or by reseller profile.
Only with Interactively
Customized Branded User Interface
Product filters and tags
Contextual backgrounds, buttons and banners
Price personalisation
Real time stock
Real time prices
Unique graphic design, created to follow your brand identity. We don’t only color your user interface, we customize completely the buttons, backgrounds, colors, navigation menus, panels and functionalities.
The digital catalogue flip pages will disapear and all the products will be displayed as Pinterest gallery. Add as many tags and filters as needed.
Set the customers in the appropriate mood for each chapter by changing the background or buttons and banners of the online digital catalogue or brochure.
Show custom prices by market or store location or by reseller profile.
Connect the online digital catalogue with your stock management platform and let the visitors check the product availability for each online store.
Update prices in real time and react quickly at the market changes.
How it will work
Multiple keyword search
Predictive and multi-word search engine with highlight on the results.
Call To Action buttons
We all know the presence of a CTA helps the conversion rate increase. Add them to the catalogue and improve traffic and sales. Gain more subscribers to your newsletter and increase the leads number.
Table of contents
Make your table of contents a spectacular landing page or just a classical list of chapters.
PDF download
Allow your customers to download the flip PDF offline version or just a selection of pages. You can also forbid it completely.
Bookmarks and page notes
Customers can bookmark pages for later reading. Let them add notes and review them easily using a complete management tool.
Alphabetical Index
It arranges your products or services in an alphabetical list linked to the relevant pages. The visitors will easily find what they need with just two clicks/taps.
Share to social media or Whatsapp
Share products, articles and stories on social media channels and boost traffic and sales.
Interactive zones and hotspots
Zoom on multiple areas showing them side by side, add product links or a detailed description. Your customers will better interact with your catalogue and products, articles or presentations.
How it will look
Personalized PDF selection
Let customers build a personalized version of the digital catalogue and then download it.
Page browsing
Navigate through pdf pages with flip effect, coverflow or by horizontal or vertical slide. Any other option of page browsing can be implemented on demand.
Multimedia content
Enrich your publication with videos, slideshows, music, audio files that will make it more attractive.
Start the digital catalogue with an animated front page and your customer will be eager to navigate further.
Customized Branded User Interface
Unique graphic design, created to follow your brand identity. We don’t only color your user interface, we customize completely the buttons, backgrounds, colors, navigation menus, panels and functionalities.
Contextual backgrounds, buttons and banners
Set the customers in the appropriate mood for each chapter by changing the background or buttons and banners of the online digital catalogue or brochure.
Track every visit from your customers and adapt to their behaviour. Which page is most visited, which product is the most clicked and many other useful information.
Restricted authorised access
Access to the catalogue is restricted only to your customers authenticated by their credentials. The authorisation can be done on the website or directly from the catalogue.
Limited distribution
Publish the online catalogue to your internal private network only and keep the confidential or sensitive content away from the public eyes.
Product filters and tags
The digital catalogue flip pages will disapear and all the products will be displayed as Pinterest gallery. Add as many tags and filters as needed.
Real time stock
Connect the online digital catalogue with your stock management platform and let the visitors check the product availability for each online store.
Real time prices
Update prices in real time and react quickly at the market changes.
What you can do
Product technical specification
To better describe the products and services attach them technical documentation with full product details.
Product glorifier
Highlight of the premium products by zooming in the cropped product area with only a mouse click/tap.
Product search
Customers can instantly find a product searching by its code or name.
The visitors can create wishlists that can be shared on social media or Whatsapp. Going even further, this wishlist can be transformed into a quote request or even a buying order.
E-Commerce integration
Connect the online catalogue to your e-commerce website and your customers can buy directly from here.
Product filters and tags
The digital catalogue flip pages will disapear and all the products will be displayed as Pinterest gallery. Add as many tags and filters as needed.
Price personalisation
Show custom prices by market or store location or by reseller profile.
Only with Interactively
Customized Branded User Interface
Unique graphic design, created to follow your brand identity. We don’t only color your user interface, we customize completely the buttons, backgrounds, colors, navigation menus, panels and functionalities.
Product filters and tags
The digital catalogue flip pages will disapear and all the products will be displayed as Pinterest gallery. Add as many tags and filters as needed.
Contextual backgrounds, buttons and banners
Set the customers in the appropriate mood for each chapter by changing the background or buttons and banners of the online digital catalogue or brochure.
Price personalisation
Show custom prices by market or store location or by reseller profile.
Real time stock
Connect the online digital catalogue with your stock management platform and let the visitors check the product availability for each online store.
Real time prices
Update prices in real time and react quickly at the market changes.